From the early days of outdoor curling sheets to the more modern indoor facilities that dot the area curling in the Rossland,Trail, Beaver valley area is a much loved pastime with large and active curling clubs calling each facility home. Any day of the week morning, afternoon or evening you can find either juniors, seniors, ladies or mens clubs throwing the rocks, sweeping the ice and staring down the button.
In Rossland the sport is a real family affair with the Albo Family at it's core. From the early days when he wasn't busy at his garage in the 1930's Jim Albo's father would go across the street to the empty lot and construct and maintain a 5 sheet outdoor curling rink all winter long. Jim's Mother played her way up to BC provincial champion in the middle part of the century and as the century came to a close Jim's brother and then himself have been runing the Rossland curling club for the past 35 years.
In Trail, the top tier multi sport complex that is the Trail Memorial Centre contains the largest curling club in the region with an 8 sheet curling complex. Ideally set up for hosting large events with temporary seating for up to 600 available within the curling club for a 4 sheet competition setup, the Cominco Arena under the same roof can also be set up for 4 curling sheets with 2,108 seats for larger events. Home to the 2007 Scotties BC Women's curling championships Trail has hosted numerous local, regional and provincial turnaments and bonspiels successfully and enjoys a reputation as excellent curling location and event host.
Keeping with the sports tight community spirit, the Beaver Valley Curling Club was constructed, managed and expanded over the years as a volunteer effort from day one. To this day a strong volunteer board and active clubs keep the arena busy day in and day out in a facility that boasts the best curling ice in BC.
Featured Profile
The Albo Family
The Albo family for 3 generations have been tending to the ice and managing the curling club since the original outdoor facility operated in the 1930’s. Following in their fathers foot steps Jim Albo and his brother grew up next door to the curling club constructed in 1957 spending part of everyday in the curling club. Since the late 1970’s Jim and his brother have managed the arena with 80 years of family curling history behind them creating the best little curling club in BC.